

2240 Buchtel Blvd #1314

Denver, CO 80208

Injury Guide


Lower Back Pain

Low Back Pain (LBP) is a term which can apply to any number of problems throughout the lower back. Typically, LBP manifests by exceeding the tissues’ (muscle or nerve) ability to recover from stress. This stress can come in the form of leg length discrepancies or altered alignments. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering tissue tensions and restoring alignment.


SI Dysfunction is a condition which refers to the Sacro-Iliac Joint. This joint is a complicated joint which can be extremely painful if inflamed. It can be irritated by leg length discrepancies or altered lower extremity biomechanics. Custom Foot Othotics can be a solution to chronic SI Dysfunction.


Piriformis Syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the buttocks and referring pain along the course of the sciatic nerve. This referred pain, called "Sciatica", often goes down the back of the thigh and/or into the lower back. Some causes of sciatica can be problems with leg length as well as abnormal biomechanics. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering tissue tensions and foot biomechanics.


Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the buttocks and referring pain along the course of the sciatic nerve. This referred pain, called "sciatica", often goes down the back of the thigh and/or into the lower back. Some causes of sciatica can be problems with leg length as well as abnormal biomechanics. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering tissue tensions and foot biomechanics.




Pes Anserinus Tendonitis and Bursitis usually occur hand in hand. The Pes Anserine is a combination of three tendons which collectively attach to the inside-front of your knee below the knee cap where they are intimate with a bursal sac. The bursae of the knee joint are the fluid sacs that surround and sometimes communicate with the joint cavity. Thin-walled and filled with synovial fluid, they represent the weak point of the joint. Inflammation of the Pes Anserine tendon structures can occur secondary to many factors. Repetitive strain, trauma and poor biomechanics can all elicit inflammation in this area. Specifically, excessive tibial rotation due to foot over-pronation biases the Pes Anserine by causing excessive strain/stretch. Custom Foot Orthotics can restore normal biomechanics and relieve the the excessive strain/stretch on the Pes Anserine insertion.


Chondromalacia of the patella is the grating or grinding sensation during straightening of the knee. The cause is thought to be related to overuse, trauma and/or abnormal forces on the knee, such as a mildly abnormal alignment of the patella (knee cap) and femur. Symptoms include knee tenderness, pain in the knee after sitting for a prolonged period of time, knee pain that is worse with stairs or getting out of a chair, and a grating sensation in the knee. Once irritated, this complex is very difficult to treat. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by relieving the chronic stress on the patella and re-aligning it in its groove.


Degenerative joint disease (D.J.D.) is also known as osteoarthritis. DJD is a degeneration of the joint surface resulting from wear and tear over many years. This process usually manifests itself after age fifty, however it may begin sooner if there is a history of injury to the joint. When exposed to abnormal or chronic forces, the cartilage surfaces deteriorate by softening fissuring, fragmenting and finally dissolving away. The underlying exposed bone is then subjected to greatly increased stress resulting in pain, swelling and gradual loss of joint function. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering the contact forces within the joint, thereby unloading the damaged areas.


Iliotibial band tendonitis is also known as runner’s knee. The iliotibial band (ITB) runs down the outside of the thigh. It has a number of muscles which attach to it. Muscle tightness, muscle function and biomechanical abnormalities can cause ITB tightness. When it becomes tight the tendon starts to rub on the bone at its insertion at the knee. Eventually it will become inflamed and cause pain. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering tissue tensions and changing lower extremity mechanics.


Patellar Tendonitis is term used to describe an overuse syndrome that affects the anterior (front) part of the knee. It is classified as a pain in the patellar tendon, a band of tissue that connects the quadriceps muscle to the lower leg via the kneecap. Although activities like running, walking, or bicycling may lead to patellar tendonitis, it is most often seen in activities that require explosive movement. The repetitive loading and unloading of the patellar tendon complex causes repeated mechanical stress. Although some suggest that this stress causes it to become inflamed, others argue that Patellar Tendonitis is more of a degenerative condition. Although anyone can develop Patellar Tendonitis, people who have excessive foot motions (flat feet, high arches, over-pronation) are more likely to experience this malady. Custom Foot Orthotics can diminish the Patellar Tendonitis symptoms by distributing biomechanical forces throughout the lower extremity and restoring normal arch function and mechanics.


Pes Anserinus Tendonitis and Bursitis usually occur hand in hand. The Pes Anserine is a combination of three tendons which collectively attach to the inside-front of your knee below the knee cap where they are intimate with a bursal sac. The bursae of the knee joint are the fluid sacs that surround and sometimes communicate with the joint cavity. Thin-walled and filled with synovial fluid, they represent the weak point of the joint. Inflammation of the Pes Anserine tendon structures can occur secondary to many factors. Repetitive strain, trauma and poor biomechanics can all elicit inflammation in this area. Specifically, excessive tibial rotation due to foot over-pronation biases the Pes Anserine by causing excessive strain/stretch. Custom Foot Orthotics can restore normal biomechanics and relieve the the excessive strain/stretch on the Pes Anserine insertion.




A Stress Reaction is caused by abnormal and excessive forces which culminate at a specific area on a bone. These forces magnify at this specific point rather than being distributed throughout the bone because of abnormal biomechanics. Each bone has an ability to absorb and distribute “shock” (or force) with each step. If the joints distribute this shock incorrectly, it may result in a “hot-spot.” These hot-spots are focal areas of tenderness on the bone as a result of an abnormal reaction to stress, or a “Stress Reaction.” If left untreated, these hot-spots can progress to a “Stress Fracture.” By restoring normal foot biomechanics, Custom Foot Orthotics can correct these abnormal forces by normalizing them throughout the bone.


Achilles Tendonitis is a condition referring to the large tendon on the back of your lower leg which attaches to your heel bone. This tendon can become inflamed for any number of reasons. Lack of flexibility, excessive foot pronation and repetitive strain can all be causative factors. Once inflamed, this tendon is very difficult to treat. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by relieving the chronic stress on this tissue.


A bunion (hallux abducto-valgus) is a prominent bump on the inside of the foot around the big toe (hallux) joint. This bump is actually a bone protruding towards the inside of the foot. Pronated (flat) feet are usually unstable and often cause bunions. In this case, body weight is repeatedly transferred to the hallux while walking, and in unstable, flat feet, this transfer of weight allows certain muscles to become stronger than others. This overpowering of muscles causes the toe to bend and deform. Some of the symptoms of bunions include inflammation, swelling, and soreness on the side surface of the big toe. Custom Foot Orthotics can correct the faulty mechanics which contribute to Bunions. If made correctly, they can unload the chronically stressed tissues and restore normal foot biomechanics.


Flat feet (otherwise known as Pes Planus) is a condition which refers to flattening of the normal arch in your foot. Some people are genetically predisposed to having flat feet. In others, it can be caused by trauma or chronic loading. As we age, the connective tissue elements in the body (ligaments and tendons) become less able to tolerate stress. As they lose their tensile strength, the arch of the foot can lose the battle against gravity and ultimately “flatten.” Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by relieving the chronic stress on the connective tissue elements of the foot. In addition, they can help restore a fallen arch to its ideal biomechanical position.


Metatarsalgia is a general term used to denote a painful foot condition in the metatarsal region of the foot (the area just before the toes, more commonly referred to as the ball-of-the-foot). This is a common foot disorder that can affect the bones and joints at the ball-of-the-foot. Metatarsalgia (ball-of-foot-pain) is often located under the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsal heads. This condition can be attributed to excessive pressure on these bones from either traumatic loading or poor foot biomechanics. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering the contact forces within the foot, thereby taking the chronic pressure off of this area.


This condition is caused by fibrous tissue formation around nerve tissue. This problem is characterized by numbness and pain, sometimes relieved by removing footwear. Symptoms include: pain during weight bearing activities, frequently after only a short time; the pain is felt as a shooting pain affecting the contiguous halves of two toes. Burning, numbness, and tingling may also be experienced. Custom Foot Orthotics are widely used to treat Morton’s Neuroma, and can effectively redistribute the pressure away from the Neuroma.


Plantar Fasciitis is a term used to describe an inflammation of the tissue on the bottom of your foot known as the Plantar Fascia. This “fascia” is a thick band that functions to help support the arch of the foot by acting as a “bowstring.” Repeated microscopic tears of the plantar fascia cause pain. Sometimes plantar fasciitis is called “heel spurs,” but this is not always accurate, since bony growths on the heel may or may not be a factor. Typically, the pain is worse when first getting out of bed, or is noticeable at the beginning of an activity and gets better as the body warms up. Prolonged standing may also cause pain. In more severe cases, the pain may worsen toward the end of the day. Plantar Fascitis can be caused by overuse, trauma and arch height deviations. There usually is an underlying biomechanical component which can be corrected quite successfully with the use of Custom Foot Orthotics.


Posterior tendon problems usually occur just underneath the prominence of the inner side of the ankle, called the medial malleolus (a.k.a. inside ankle bone). This muscle-tendon complex's primary job is to move the foot down and turn it inward, meaning his primary job is to provide motion. Its secondary job is to help the ligamentous structures hold the arch up in a high position. When the ligamentous structures fail, this muscle-tendon complex is forced to do "double-duty" which overwhelms its fibers. When this occurs, the tendon becomes inflamed. Most commonly, patients with posterior tibial tendonitis complain of pain in the inside of the foot and ankle, and this pain can flow through into everyday activities such as simply walking. As posterior tibial tendonitis progresses, the arch of the foot can flatten, and the toes begin to point outwards. The initial treatment of posterior tibial tendonitis if focused on resting the tendon to allow for healing. Unfortunately, even normal walking may not adequately allow for the tendon to rest sufficiently. Custom Foot Orthotics provide a solid platform for the foot, preventing motion between the midfoot and hindfoot. Preventing this motion will decrease the inflammation associated with posterior tibial tendonitis allowing you to heal while restoring normal foot mechanics.



Sesamoiditis is a condition that refers to an irritation of the two small bones located at the base of your big toe. These small, fragile bones (called sesamoid bones) become inflamed with repetitive stress and may eventually fracture. Thinning of the forefoot’s natural fat pad is thought to be a cause of Sesmoiditis. In addition, activities such as dancing, running and even walking can aggravate the condition if there is an underlying problem with the foot’s biomechanics. Custom Foot Orthotics can restore normal biomechanics and eventually normalize pressure on the sesmoid bones. A complete return to normal pain-free activity can be expected.



SI Dysfunction is a condition which refers to the Sacro-Iliac Joint. This joint is a complicated joint which can be extremely painful if inflamed. It can be irritated by leg length discrepancies or altered lower extremity biomechanics. Custom Foot Othotics can be a solution to chronic SI Dysfunction.


Degenerative joint disease (D.J.D.) is also known as osteoarthritis. DJD is a degeneration of the joint surface resulting from wear and tear over many years. This process usually manifests itself after age fifty, however it may begin sooner if there is a history of injury to the joint. When exposed to abnormal or chronic forces, the cartilage surfaces deteriorate by softening fissuring, fragmenting and finally dissolving away. The underlying exposed bone is then subjected to greatly increased stress resulting in pain, swelling and gradual loss of joint function. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering the contact forces within the joint, thereby unloading the damaged areas.


Piriformis Syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the buttocks and referring pain along the course of the sciatic nerve. This referred pain, called "Sciatica", often goes down the back of the thigh and/or into the lower back. Some causes of sciatica can be problems with leg length as well as abnormal biomechanics. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering tissue tensions and foot biomechanics.


Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle irritates the sciatic nerve, causing pain in the buttocks and referring pain along the course of the sciatic nerve. This referred pain, called "sciatica", often goes down the back of the thigh and/or into the lower back. Some causes of sciatica can be problems with leg length as well as abnormal biomechanics. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering tissue tensions and foot biomechanics.



A Stress Reaction is caused by abnormal and excessive forces which culminate at a specific area on a bone. These forces magnify at this specific point rather than being distributed throughout the bone because of abnormal biomechanics. Each bone has an ability to absorb and distribute “shock” (or force) with each step. If the joints distribute this shock incorrectly, it may result in a “hot-spot.” These hot-spots are focal areas of tenderness on the bone as a result of an abnormal reaction to stress, or a “Stress Reaction.” If left untreated, these hot-spots can progress to a “Stress Fracture.” By restoring normal foot biomechanics, Custom Foot Orthotics can correct these abnormal forces by normalizing them throughout the bone.


Chronic Ankle Instability is a problem that arises after multiple ankle sprains. Each sprain causes further ankle instability and furthered ligamentous laxity. Compounding the problem is that increased ligamentous laxity increases your likelihood of another sprain...which will then lead to more ligamentous laxity! This cyclic problem can ultimately require surgery to reconstruct the damaged ligaments. Custom Foot Orthotics can restore normal biomechanics, limit further instability and help restore function.


Degenerative joint disease (D.J.D.) is also known as osteoarthritis. DJD is a degeneration of the joint surface resulting from wear and tear over many years. This process usually manifests itself after age fifty, however it may begin sooner if there is a history of injury to the joint. When exposed to abnormal or chronic forces, the cartilage surfaces deteriorate by softening fissuring, fragmenting and finally dissolving away. The underlying exposed bone is then subjected to greatly increased stress resulting in pain, swelling and gradual loss of joint function. Custom Foot Orthotics can help this condition by altering the contact forces within the joint, thereby unloading the damaged areas.


Shin splints (otherwise known as “medial tibial stress syndrome”) usually involve small tears in the leg muscles where they are attached to the shin bone. The two types of shin splints are: anterior shin splints, in the front portion of the tibia; and posterior shin splints, occurring on the inside of the leg along the tibia. Shin splints can be caused when the anterior or posterior leg muscles are stressed by running, especially on hard surfaces or extensively on the toes, or by sports that involve jumping. Over-pronated (flat feet) can lead to increased stress on the lower leg muscles during exercise. In addition, people with high arched feet can also experience shin splint discomfort because this foot type is a poor shock absorber. Custom Foot Orthotics are an excellent treatment for shin splints. If made correctly, they can unload the chronically stressed tissues and aid in shock absorption.


This condition is caused by fibrous tissue formation around nerve tissue. This problem is characterized by numbness and pain, sometimes relieved by removing footwear. Symptoms include: pain during weight bearing activities, frequently after only a short time; the pain is felt as a shooting pain affecting the contiguous halves of two toes. Burning, numbness, and tingling may also be experienced. Custom Foot Orthotics are widely used to treat Morton’s Neuroma, and can effectively redistribute the pressure away from the Neuroma.


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